Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Great bartender who likes films.

So, the other week after seeing a movie downtown, I hit up some new bars, and at one I started talking with the (early 20s) (black) (female) bartender and we started talking movies, which she used to watch a lot with a boyfriend and now she does herself as a hobby a lot.

So, I asked her what recent film she liked a lot, and she not only told me about "The Revenant", but also gave a really cool, informed perspective on the acting.

Then, we started talking about other movies we've liked.

"You know what I saw for the first time last summer and I can't stop talking about?", I was like.

"What?!", she was like.

"This old movie called 'Imitation of Life,'" I was like.

"No way!", she was like, and she then started telling me about how it's her favorite movie of all time and her and her mom watch it together like once a year, and her favorite scene is when the Sandra Dee dancer character is on a rotating stage in a martini glass.

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