Tuesday, September 27, 2016

A happening on the commute to school (2 of 2): Very minor bike fall.

The other week, I was biking in to school, and as I was going over the overpass over the highway past the subway stop, my book bag shifted and burst open and all these books that I was taking in to school to return started spilling out, so I slowed down and edged my bike over, and then as I swerved to avoid biking over a falling book I ended up gently falling over onto the (at that place on the street greatly elevated) sidewalk.

Immediately, I got up and started gathering my stuff, and I hear someone shouting from across the street, "Are you okay?", and I turn and look and it's a (middle-aged) (black) (male) driver stopped in traffic, who had rolled his window down to call and check on me.

I was like, "Yeah, thanks for asking!", and I gave a wave and a thumbs up.

Then, this (black) (teenaged) girl on the sidewalk stops and starts to kneel down and pick up my books, and I have to be all like, "Oh, thank you so much, but I'm good," and she smiles and nods pleasantly and goes on her way.

Can't people be nice sometimes?

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