Sunday, July 10, 2016

Summer evening picking up trash at the quarry park:

I have one empty plastic potato bag with a bit of trash at the bottom – as part of my environmental neuroticism, I re-use food bags if at all possible as trashbags when I go stroll and pick up trash in the quarry park – and as I'm out there, I see the one (Chinese) woman who’s told me “Good job” before, and now she's out walking with two other (Chinese) friends.

We say hi, and as I pass by, I see her pointing to my trashbag and saying some stuff to her friends.

After that, I come across a place where some people had been drinking and left all these beer bottles and containers and stuff, and I not only fill my bag, but also a plastic shopping bag that had been left out there as well.

Then, as I head out to go to the park entrance to dump the stuff, I pass by the three women again, and I raise my two trashbags to show them how much I had picked up.

They all smile, and give me a thumbs up before passing by me in the opposite direction.

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