Friday, July 29, 2016

Odd concert people at the free summer concerts downtown:

1)      A(n older) (black) (bearded) (capped) (homeless?) man in a torn dirty black sweatshirt and torn dirty grey sweatpants, who twice now during a concert has walked from right to left across the main aisle, with a chain of keys attached to his left leg making a metallic jingle sound with every step.

2)      A (young) (Chinese?) guy who comes in during the second half, pulls out a laptop, stares at it thoughtfully and types every once in a while, and leaves just before the end of the concert.

3)      This (young) (chubby faced) (hispanic) two year old boy, who inhales sometimes like he’s snoring, but otherwise just sits in his seat like a miniature sack of potatoes and stares straight ahead kind of out of it, while his mom and one other person sit to his left.

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