Sunday, July 24, 2016

Interesting City Park I Went to for the First Time.

So, the other weekend my one library circulation desk supervisor friend who I’ve been hanging out with a lot invited me to this musicfest up near the city’s Chinatown, and it happened to be held in this riverfront park that I’ve seen from the subway when it goes elevated and also the bikelane of one major street that goes arching over it.

To me, the park has never looked like much apart from a pagoda-like pavilion, just strips of field along the river with a few paths here.

But, once you got into it, it was *awesome*.

There was a ton of vegetation like willows and prairie grasses that you couldn’t really see from far away.

Plus, the viewpoint across the river was of all these rusty towering industrial structures, like old warehouses and bridges and even bridges that raise up and down to let ships pass underneath.

So, you’d stroll along the river amidst this very nicely landscaped park, and look across to a decaying industrial landscape, and occasionally over trees towards downtown and see all the skyscrapers raising up.

I found that juxtaposition very cool.

Since it’s near Chinatown, too, all the benches looked something like Oriental divans.

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