Friday, June 10, 2016

Two morning events at the library: Feeding, hands.

After I have a heck of a time getting to work because the bikeshare rack I usually use was empty and then the next one I went to was malfunctioning, I finally get in to work, and as I'm walking around to the front door, I bump into a bibliographer I know, sitting outside with her 2 young kids.

Her husband was coming around with the car, and she had the kids with her since they had just come from an optometrist's appointment for her daughter, the older of the 2.

So, me and the bibliographer talk a bit, and meanwhile she's letting the kids get bits of fruit out of a big plastic container of cut up fruit salad, and the kids keep eating and keeping themselves occupied.

Then, all of a sudden, she's like, "[The son's first name] wants to give you some watermelon," and I look down and there's the little son holding up the lid with a bit of watermelon on it.

So, I take the watermelon and eat it, and then like a minute later, she's like, "Now [the son's first name] wants to give you some kiwi!", and there he is, holding up a piece of kiwi to me between his fingers, his arm all outstretched up towards me.

So, that time, I took it and ate it, and was like, "Mmmm, mmmm", and smiled a lot very theatrically and rubbed my tummy like I was super stoked and happy at how delicious the fruit was.

After that, he hurried up and kept giving me fruit as fast as he could, he was so amused.

Later, during my library shift, some books I was shelving were leatherbound and absolutely falling apart, and they stained my hands black.

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