Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Unionizing reactions (2 of 3): Englishperson.

When I caught her after class, a(n Asian heritage) (English) person said she's from England and doesn't like unions much since they "go on strike all the time," though she'd follow the majority with what everyone wanted.

I found that reaction very odd...  If it's justified, why care?

Sometimes I think people are very vulnerable to associations instilled by the outside culture, and find ways to justify pre-programmed dislikes.

I wasn't prepped for that reaction at all, but stated that "we're the union" and so make decisions about what happens, and she was like, "But I wouldn't be very involved."

I then gently raised the issue of signing an election card (declined!) and managed to say something about keeping in touch as everything developed, which I'm sure she'd be aware of as more people came on board.

She honestly didn't seem like she cared, or had the time.

What an odd bird.

I really don't get it, don't people understand I'm volunteering my time, and so would give me at least a hearing or some basic respect as I reach out to them?

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