Sunday, February 28, 2016

Unionization developments at the art school: Colleagues, admin salaries.

So, for the first few weeks of class at the art school, I've been hanging around the part-time office at the art school to refresh acquaintances and meet new folks.

It's weird how separate everyone is, and how cool once you talk to them, which makes you wonder why you didn't connect before.

One of my colleagues, for example, is an Afro-Futurist sculptor.

Another is a(n older) (deaf) (white) man who I've known for a few years and w/whom I've had a hard time communicating by speaking, and so I finally admitted that by typing, at which point I admitted that I had been bothered by my own standoffishness and had been wondering how best to communicate.  That effort seemed to forge a moment of real connection, since he seemed genuinely happy to hear that, and patted my shoulder to say that it was all okay.

Really, it makes you wonder, what made me not make that effort before.

Also, after a conversation with a (Chinese) colleague who wasn't aware of admin salaries, I looked up the forms online, then printed out the compensation list, highlighted it, and put it on the door with Post-It notes, since I couldn't find any tape anywhere.

And, the next time I came in a few days later, it was still up - and someone had swapped out the Post-It notes to tape.

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