Saturday, January 2, 2016

Romance Languages drinking night (3 of 3): Alabama memories.

Later that night, I found out that the one (French) student had been in Alabama a bit for this summer too, on a road trip with his girlfriend and a few other people.

In one rural town, he said that as you approached, all you could see was this giant looming illuminated billboard advertising a sex shop on some nearby rural road.

On the outskirts of the town, they pulled into the gas station to stay at the hotel, which was just around the other side of the gas station, but in this big complex with its facade all tricked out to look like some antebellum mansion.

As they pulled around into that parking lot, this gruff (white) biker guy arced out and passed them, and he had this giant blowup doll sitting on the bike seat in front of him, and she was dressed in jean shorts and a top.

Everyone in the car stared at this biker as he left at the parking lot, too, and he looked at them and their eyes met.

The one (French) student said that it was the most memorable part of the trip, and that no-one could figure out what the guy was doing, since it didn't make sense that he was coming from the sex shop (= the doll was already inflated).

I raised the possibility that the biker had just got done treating her out to a night at the hotel, since that's something special that couples do sometimes, to get out of the house for a treat without the cost of a whole vacation.

The one (French) student found that plausible, I think.

As I said, we were pretty hammered.

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