Friday, January 1, 2016

Romance Languages drinking night (2 of 3): The Paris attacks.

That same night as we were all talking, we got on the subject of the Paris attacks.

I said that in one news report, it said that at this one French high school, armed guards stood right outside to keep all the teenagers safe who had come out to smoke cigarettes.

"That makes me like France some," I was like.  "To think of all the high schoolers coming outside for cigarettes."

"I know, it's cute," said the one (gay) (Mexican-American) guy, who also seemed to find that factoid genuinely endearing.

The one (French) student wanted to know where the article was, to figure out which town this was in.

He also said that he smoked in high school and you had to go off of school property in order to do it, so everyone always just stepped out just past the border of the schoolyard in order to smoke, and there'd always be a group of teens smoking there between classes.

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