Sunday, December 27, 2015

Subway platform interaction w/a(n old) Pakistani.

The other week I was on the subway platform and as I was walking up to the bench area to go wait, ahead of me was this older (white bearded) (Pakistani) guy, and this mouse ran right in front of him and he turned to look at it along with me, and it ran right up into this crevice between two closely set metal columns.

I walked up around the columns and looked between the crevice, and there was the mouse just sitting at the bottom eating something, and then the Pakistani guy walked up to the other side to look too.

After that, we talked a bit, though I could barely understand him because of his accent.

He said something about how the mouse just found its food and lived outside, and it sounded like he was saying that animals have a better, simpler life than us, but then he said that humans were the most blessed of all the animals.

I'm not sure if I misunderstood him because of his accent, or if his thoughts were inconsistent.

As I was attempting to clarify, the train came up and he said bye and be well and got into the car just ahead of me, so now I'll never know.

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