Saturday, August 1, 2015

Obnoxious concertgoer downtown.

Last month I was downtown for a free outdoor concert, and afterwards I was walking down the sidewalk and past this (older) (black) lady shepherding a bunch of kids when we hear this tie-dye wearing straggly-bearded (white) guy w/sunglasses going like "Woooooooooooooooooooh!!!!!  Go [band name]!!!!!!!!!!!!! Best band ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", as he's standing on a planter on the major street median over to the left of us, which we see when we look over.

I see the lady do a double-take, and so I was like, "Yeah, they're having a series of final concerts at [name of stadium], I saw tons of people going there earlier when I biked in, it was just a sight, you couldn't imagine."

"I think I can," the lady was like, and I asked her if she meant from visualizing from that one guy, and she laughed and said yes.

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