Sunday, July 26, 2015

4th of July Memory: Maimed rat.

So this 4th of July, I brought to my friends' bbq a bunch of homemade sauerkraut and a bottle of rum to make rum-and-cokes.

Before heading out there, I popped into 1 of the 2 local chain drugstores in my neighborhood, to pick up a bottle of Diet Coke for the rum-and-cokes.

As I went out and was unlocking my bike, I saw something moving slowly by the curve, and occasionally stopping and looking up:

It was a young rat, and I noticed it wasn't looking up over the curb and scoping things out so much, as getting its front legs up on the curb and actually not being able to move up and over the curb.

I moved a bit closer, and could see that its back left leg seemed relatively immobile.

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