Monday, August 24, 2015

How Weirdness Sets In...

The other week after seeing a classic documentary downtown about 2 eccentrics, I was talking with the (young) (white) (male) (movie buff) ticket taker I'm friends with.

We started talking about eccentricities and how they slowly creep up around you when you live by yourself, and I mentioned that during the middle of my dad's recent visit, I noticed how odd it might look, that I had all these produce bags spread out over a shelf above my sink on top of the noodles spices etc. I keep stored there.

I put them up there to dry and then re-use them, and sometimes I forget to put them away, and they don't even register to me that they're there, though I bet they look odd to other people.

He then told me that before his old girlfriend moved in, he spot-checked his apartment for shit he does that might look weird to someone else, and reversed like everything.

Except, he forgot to close his cabinet doors (he leaves them open all the time, for efficiency).

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