Friday, February 27, 2015

Superbowl halftime show: Count me as disappointed.

So I was disappointed with the Superbowl halftime show:

1) Staging was lifeless and way too static, esp. compared to Katy Perry's stadium concert that I saw this summer (notes of which I still have and I need to write up at some point).

2) The beachball thing looked cheap, like something a high school glee club would do if they had to scale up to "Triumph of the Will" proportions.

3) No-one can ever compete with Madonna's halftime show for energy and pure fun, even if you factor out the striking subversiveness...

I like this YouTube comment on the performance from 8 mos. ago btw -

I heard some of the dancers are local union workers.  My best guess is the guy in white during vogue

- and also this one from "grandmasterkrush", who subscribes to lots of current YouTube hiphop channels:

maaan at first I was like madonna for halftime? ain't she like sixty by now? meh well aight. and then this kicks in and leave me in awe. total pwnage. this was the best halftime show ever bar none. she bossed it out. 

. . .

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