Saturday, February 14, 2015

Reconciling myself to a routine.

I was thinking the other day that a lot of getting older is reconciling yourself to your routine.

I keep thinking about the Patricia Arquette character from Boyhood, when she starts crying out of nowhere towards the end of the movie:  "Somehow, I thought there'd be more!", she says.

I ran into a (Turkish) guy from my entering cohort the other week at the main library on campus, and when I told him that I was teaching pretty much full time, he was like, "That is our goal, look, you've achieved your goal, and the dissertation will happen in time."

From one direction, I really like that perspective, to think that I'm settling in to my chosen career.

From the other, I keep thinking of the routine, and how I need to whittle down my goals and my expectations to fit available time.

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