Sunday, February 8, 2015

Kanye West and Paul McCartney.

That same night as the Pepsi Clear story, 2 younger staffers at the bar of a different restaurant were talking about the whole thing where some of Kanye West's fans didn't know who Paul McCartney was.

I spoke with them a bit about that, and was actually defending Kanye's fans, or at least saying why they weren't whack:

- younger people have very channeled media consumption, I've noticed from my university's undergrads, and they often have huge reference gaps b/c they only consume things through certain channels like Netflix recs or streaming recommendations;

- though *our* generation's parents listened to the Beatles, the parents of younger Kanye fans probably haven't, so maybe you'd want to check their references to 80s/90s music; and

- it might be a black thing, where those kids would know references to older African-American artists of that era (e.g. Stevie Wonder), esp. b/c it seems like all the rabid Beatles fans I've ever met have been white (e.g. I've known several white people w/Yellow Submarine film memorabilia, but I don't think I've ever seen the equivalent w/all the black people I've ever met, though you'll hear people gush about when Earth, Wind, and Fire came out, for example, which is right when the Beatles died).

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