Thursday, February 5, 2015

New prof I work for (1 of 2): Advice on leading class.

The new prof I work for is a Haitian immigrant to North America at a young age, and has a pretty heavy Haitian accent.

His humor is funny...

He took over a class from last term, and pretty much right at the start of the 1st class he mentioned to the students that they likely saw him at the multi-class movie nights for the standardized course.

"I am the one who brought the pizza," he was like.  "Yes, that is right, I am the delivery man."

Then he laughed out loud to himself

(He's actually a pretty high-powered prof who's in charge of that section of the freshman program, though I don't think they know that.)

I had worked with the same group of students last term, and they just never talked, yet with him leading the class, they just opened up, surprisingly.

I mentioned that to him after the first day, and he told me 2 things:

1) Leading discussion is like "seduction", which I took to mean that you tantalize the students and bring them out (he was probably translating into English from French, his main language); and

2) Set an atmosphere of "sharing", not instruction.

What a cool person.

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