Sunday, January 18, 2015

Margaret Atwood (1 of 2): News breakdown.

Somehow, until mid-Dec., I didn't realize that Margaret Atwood had her 3rd novel in her "Oryx and Crake" sci-fi series out, and had since 2013; I only found out when I was in the office at my university, and my employers were talking about genetic engineering and I mentioned "Oryx and Crake" and the sequel, and one of them mentioned the 3rd book.

That happened too with the 2nd book in the series, where I was at my academic conference years ago and I ran into someone I did my Master's with at a reception and we got on the subject of Margaret Atwood, and when I mentioned how much I liked "Oryx and Crake", she mentioned that there was a sequel out.

I think what I've realized is that the alternative newspapers I get do a good job of keeping me up with film and TV somewhat, but literature is a big big gap and thus even new releases by major authors can slip by me.

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