Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Farewell, reading material.

I'm proud of myself:

I accidentally lost 2 copies of recent Rolling Stones that I hadn't quite finished reading, and I didn't spaz out over it.

When I was heading home after barhopping with my one Polish-American mathematician friend, I went to pull out a magazine to read and realized that they weren't there...

I then realized that we had moved down seats at the martini bar so other people could sit down, and after we did that, my coat fell off the back of my chair and slid onto the back of a booth butted up close to the bar, and a woman sitting there handed it back to me.

My bet is that the magazines slid out of my coat pocket during that whole ordeal, and I didn't see them on the floor or hear them hit because of the music at the bar.

Plus, when I did realize what had probably happened, that bar was already closed, so it's not like I could go back there and ask for them.

Oh well.

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