Saturday, November 8, 2014

Huge ethical choice: Do I sacrifice time, or a metal fork?

The other week I needed to pop into a government office downtown, so I decided to go there before my one night class I teach, since the week was hectic and stopping through then would be easiest for me.

After they scanned my backpack, though, the security guard called attention to my dinner and was like, "Please leave your fork with the guard at the front desk."

Then, he was like, "Be aware that we cannot return your fork to you when you exit the building, so if you want to keep your fork, you can go outside and leave it in your car.  Otherwise, if you choose to enter the building, we are required to confiscate it."

So, what do you think I did - prioritize my schedule, or the environment?

Really, I was put in a position where I was forced to choose between wasting time or wasting a metal fork, both of them pet peeves.

(Leave answers on comments section below and I'll eventually respond with what I chose.)

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