Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Confirmation of Shocking Bar Revelation about the Observation of Employees.

The next bar I was at was an upscale hotel bar, and I talked with the (young) (white) male bartender and told him about the camera system thing I had just learned about.

I said it sounded like bullshit and I didn't know if it was true, but he was like, "No, it's standard," then he tipped his head backwards just slightly to gesture to some camera up behind him on the ceiling towards the end of the bar.

"I'm being watched right now, the entire time I'm at work," he was like.  "They have a room full of screens in the hotel and the guards monitor us too."

He also said it was to keep employees from stealing, and that he and other employees were not allowed to patronize the bar when they were off work.

"It's kind of weird," he was like, "But whatever."

I then broached the subject of this downtown club/restaurant where I heard that people did coke in a back room to see if guards didn't watch the customers - that is, to see if the working class was watched for deference but the richer customers could do whatever they hell they wanted - but our conversation was cut short...

He had just wheedled the name of the downtown club/restaurant out of me and confirmed that he wasn't surprised (and added in the names of a couple other places where a lot of coke was done too!), but before I could move the convo in the direction I was interested in, this kind of drunk (older) (blonde) business traveller in a tight blue dress that pushed her tits up wandered over to the bar and kept trying to hit on him.

For one, he had never been to New York, so she said he could stay with her if he came.

For another, she said that being a business traveller could be lonely, and though you see a lot of the same people in the same hotels, you can be with other people and still be by yourself.

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