Wednesday, September 24, 2014

My Spanish pleases people ('el pueblo gusta mi espanol'): Restaurant ('restorante').

The other week on a Monday I was at a Mexican restaurant in my neighborhood after barhopping a bit after teaching up at the art school, and the waitress in there was someone I didn’t know.
As soon as she accidentally slipped in a Spanish phrase when she was taking my order, I switched to Spanish, and she seemed like she was just tolerating me, but let me order anyhow.
“Anything to drink?”, she was like.
Agua sola” (‘only water’), I was like, “Sin popote” (‘without a straw’), and, as soon as I said that last phrase, she broke out into a quick involuntary smile.
Then, she went to rush around and help other customers.
Five minutes later, she dropped off my water.

“There you go,” she was like.  “Sin popote.”

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