Saturday, July 12, 2014

Such heavy fireworks.

The fireworks in my neighborhood are unbelievable - for a few nights before and after the 4th, a lot of (Mexican) families set them off in their yards and on sidewalks, anywhere from 10:30am in the morning until 1:30am at night.

The houses are 3-4 stories and set close together, so I do wonder what would happen if any fireworks settled on rooftops.  Could a fire start?

A couple times, too, these fireworks set off that had a loud "BOOM" like a mortar shell, and one of those even set 3-4 car alarms ringing at once, it exploded so loud.

I was taking a job one evening in the beautiful quarry park near me and was about to pass a(n Asian) guy jogging towards me when one went off.  We both jumped and I involuntarily threw my hand over my heart.

"That scared me!", I said as I jogged past.

"Me too!", he said, in accented English.

He had a sweatshirt on advertising a lower level business school in the city, and we passed each other in different areas of the park several times after that.

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