Tuesday, April 29, 2014

“Wolf of Wall Street” on straight manhood.

From Jordan Belfort’s “Catching the Wolf of Wall Street”, pp. 259-260, after his private investigator tapes his separated wife saying that she’s only said she’s open to reconciliation in order to milk Belfort of a house and once she gets that she’ll divorce him:

In a dead-serious tone, [my PI] said, “Listen to me..., because I’m not gonna bullshit you.  What’s happened to you over the last six months should happen to no man.  There’s no sugarcoating it.  It sucks.  It all sucks.”  He shook his head slowly.  “But you gotta take a deep breath now and pick up the pieces.  It’s time to be a man.  You understand...?  To be a man?”

I nodded.  “Yeah,” I said softly.  “I do.”

He squeezed my arm tighter now.  “No woman can get the best of you..., no wife, no girlfriend, no mistress, no one.  Except one.  You know who that is...?”

I nodded slowly, fighting back tears now.  “[My daughter] Chandler,” I said softly.

“That’s right...:  Chandler.  She’s the only one who counts now; the rest of them will come and go out of your life.  And you owe it to her to stiffen your upper lip and hold your head high, and you owe it to that little son of yours too....  [H]e’s gonna keep growing; then he’s gonna look to you one day to show him what it means to be a man and to show him that no matter how much shit comes his way, in the end, he can always come out on top.”

Essentially, from the way I understand this, the husband can f*ck the stay-at-home wife as much as he wants and come away self-righteous, since it becomes a pissing match of money and power (all on his side!) in order to maintain power over a woman with even less money and power, and eventually status in her eyes - because he fought for her? because that's what happens when you win, people who you didn't f*ck should admire you?.

Also, the only people he can be vulnerable with are his daughter (not his son so much), and another father who opens up to him.

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