Sunday, January 19, 2014

Horrible Dream of Darkness and Possession.

The other month I dreamt that I was lying in my bed and had to fix my mind on horrible demons in order to exorcise them, and I did this by casting my mind about and knowing not the names of the demons, but the types of demons feared in different places all over the world, even though some local peoples were too scared to even name the types of demons they truly feared, let alone say any of their individual names.

At that time, I was struck with certainty that in the dry plains and pasturelands of Spain and Portugal peoples lived in fear of what were known as “shadow walkers”, and I fixed my mind on them.

Suddenly, I felt that a demon was on me, and I realized that there was this shadow fixed around my upper chest and throat and that it had been there for quite some time without my knowing it, and as I fixed my mind on it, it streamed outward in bands of darkness towards the upper left, diagonally away from my chest, and passed out through the walls of my room.

As I lay there weakened and disoriented from suddenly realizing that I had had this demon on me for a while without my knowing it, I closed my eyes, and there written in letters in cool blue neon were 4-5 line block paragraphs of messages, where they would shift in from the left, stay in my field of vision till I read them, and then shift out to be replaced by the next one.

The 2nd one I read said that alien contact was actually demonic – and then as I was absorbing that and getting ready to read the next message, I felt 3 short taps on my left shoulder, and I knew that a small bulb-headed white alien or something was beside me tapping my shoulder.

. . .

I leapt out of bed in terror, no longer asleep, since something had touched me, I had felt.

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