Monday, January 20, 2014

(Black) (female) FedEx driver.

The other day I was walking to the local branch library to send out a few emails, and I was on the phone with a friend, and I passed by this (shorter) (middle-aged) (black) (female) FedEx driver with short hair that had alternating strips of blonde and black.

I saw she was wearing a lot of purple, and so I said hello, and then after I passed her, she was like, “Nice phone!”, since the rubber protective casing for my phone is purple.

“Thanks!”, I was like, and since I had just finished up my phone call, I turned back and talked to her and told her that I had noticed her purple too and that’s what had led me to say hi.

She then told me that she had been to drug stores lately stocking up on purple gloves because she noticed she was low and didn’t want to not be able to wear them if she lost any more.

“It’s not a color,” she was like, “It’s a lifestyle.”

We wished each other a happy new year as I then went on my way, and she got back in to her delivery truck.

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