Monday, January 27, 2014

Bar-hopping: Bittersweet music, odd bonding.

The other week I was barhopping in a yuppie/hipster area of town, and was prepared for a very dry night, since those areas tend to be devoid of fulfilling personal interactions.

Like 6 bars in, though, I was at this one new yuppie gastropub that was sunk down from street level, with lots of exposed woodwork and barrels and racks of wine bottles, and was eating this awful overpriced hors d’oeuvres that sounded good in theory (tater tots with chicken and some kind of sauce), when I noticed that the music system was playing New Wave music, in particular Blondie’s “Atomic”, and I suddenly got very wistful, knowing that if I had been alive when it was 1st out that I would have been very affected very late at night when out clubbing and that came on.

(I still feel lucky to have been alive when MGMT’s “Kids” came out, and to have known it for months and months before it crept into the mainstream; it was just happy and euphoric with that infectious electronic hook, and people couldn’t get enough of it.)

At the last bar of the night, I somehow started talking to 2 taller thinnish (white) hipster guys, and got in a very intense conversation with the one about how he’s plagued by awful dreams, though beyond his dying in most of them, I don’t remember details, though he had this off-kilter look in his eyes and he kept looking at me very intensely w/o breaking eye contact while describing the most horrible things, over and over and over.

Later, the 2 of them did cocaine off the back of their hands near the wall opposite the bar, and later than that, one of them started confessing to me that he was just out of a relationship and the biggest problem with his ex-girlfriend was her shallow vagina.

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