Thursday, October 10, 2013

Switching to New Apartment.

When I was switching the gas account for my new apartment - unlike at other apartments, I pay for the cooking gas, and heating - I had a (black) (male) operator on the phone from the gas company.

When he had a hard time spelling my last name, I told him the mnemonic device for it that a friend had thought up, and it got him laughing.

Also, since the apartment had been empty for 2 weeks for repainting, I had to switch the account out of the landlord's name, and that's how the guy had to look it up.

"And what is the name, sir?", he was like.

"Tang," I was like, and then, after a pause, "Isn't that the shit people used to drink back in the 70s?".

"It most certainly is," the guy was like.

At the end of the call, he thanked me for my humor.

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