Thursday, September 26, 2013

Trip Home (17 of 17): A medical problem.

I had another vivid dream that same night as the dream of the homeless people, and it was even more odd and disquieting, but I forgot what it was...

 In any case -

My one friend's aunt works at a hospital and once on an ER shift this prostitute came in and she smelled horrible, and had this pain in her belly, and every time she ached, she'd grab my friend's aunt on the shoulder and it'd hurt her, since she had these big long nails, and they were dirty, too.

So, first, my friend's aunt took a tooth brush and scrubbed out the dirt from under her long nails.

Then, she did a quick exam, and when the prostitute opened her legs, this little ball of jelly slightly bigger than a golf ball slid out, and in it just below the surface there was nothing but small worms quivering around, like maggots, only a little smaller and a little thinner.

"And that was the smell," she said. "It was some parasite or something."

"So what was it?", I was like.

"I don't know," she was like.  "That's the downside of working in the ER, you'd see something like that, and then there'd be something else, and when you remembered a few days later, you couldn't even remember the name to go check the file."

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