Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Trip Home (16 of 17): A Dream.

I dreamt that in the middle of the night a bunch of people were down outside my bedroom window talking and drinking, and I peeked out and could see that they were homeless people who had been around the neighborhood, and was worried about my parents since the master bedroom was on the groundfloor and near where they were gathering.

Next, I'm out on the road walking down with my dad, flashlights in our hand, and when we get down by our neighbors the undertakers, since the homeless people had decamped to there once they saw us up and about in our house, we see one cross the road to this path that crosses over to another lake, and is hemmed in by forest on one side and lots on the other.

I then shine my flashlight in the homeless person's face, and realize it's a (40-something) (black) woman who I know from labor protests, and she's drunk and maybe on drugs, and I'm embarrassed that I treated her like that, to shine my flashlight in her face, and so introduce her to my dad and make some small talk and then pretend like nothing happens as she goes onto the path to the other lake.

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