Thursday, July 11, 2013

Dream of an Experimental Play.

Last month I dreamed that I went by myself to this experimental play that was in a huge theater like a Vatican II-ish church (maybe the playhouse regularly was a church?), where there was seating all around and lots of natural light but a small temporary raised stage in the center in the middle of chairs set up in semi-circular ascending rows on top of blue-gray industrial carpeting everywhere you looked.

I had sat down and was reading the program, and then got up to go to the restroom one more time before the play started, and as I passed the ticket table, who I do run in to but the one gregarious M.Div. from my program who I hang out with on occasion, who was a bit late and running in just under the wire before the play started.

After I had taken my piss, the play hadn’t started yet, so I went a few rows over to talk to her since she had come by herself too, and the audience was a bit restive and many people were talking with each other since the play hadn’t started yet, including several (younger) (white) men up in front who were leaning on the stage.

As we talk, the audience quiets down, but the (younger) (white) men leaning against the front of the stage continue talking and you can overhear the words a bit, and all of a sudden me and my one gregarious M.Div. friend realize that we’re being disruptive, that those guys talking are actually part of the play, and not only had we not noticed and not caught what they were saying, but we were preventing the people around us from listening too.

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