Wednesday, April 10, 2013

British stoners.

So I'm also friends with the sister of my one (half British) (half Sudanese) friend, and though she's also (half British) and (half Sudanese), they're very night and day.

For one, she's a lot calmer, and also likes to party more, and occasionally I go out for a drink with her and some of her friends.

The last time this happened, somehow her one friend was teasing her about being a stoner, and it turns out that she was a *total* stoner in college.

And, not only that, but the school she went to - some school in London that specializes on Africa and the Middle East - is known to be a total stoner school.

I found that just mind-blowing, first of all that there was such a thing as British stoners, and second of all that there was such a thing as a British stoner school (and one specializing on the former colonies?).

Also, the other week I texted her when I was downtown on a Monday barhopping.

She couldn't make it out because she had to study for some class, but I ended up at the finals of this great industry night bartender competition night where I got hammered and where at one point they handed out glowsticks, about which I texted her.

She replied -

Oh nice!  I love glow sticks!

Then she immediately sent a 2nd text -

I just wish they lasted longer

- to which I texted back something about how if we were getting stoned together, like dude, it's like life, you just said it all.

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