Friday, April 12, 2013

Art student comment: Computer savviness.

So, the art school has this great printing lab and I had to go get my journal article turned into offprint-looking things to send out to different professors.

After showing the file to the (pleasant) (young) (like 20 or 21 year-old) (white) (female) student at the counter, I found out that I didn't have the file set up in quite the right way.

Since I confessed that I didn't know the graphics program that well, she sat down with me and very helpfully showed me the adjustments that I needed to do to get everything into a printable state, which I was then able to do over the next 15 minutes by myself, once she showed me the steps.

"Thank you so much for that," I was like, after I finalized my order.  "I just don't know technology that well, and I get frustrated very easily."

"Oh, no worries," she was like.  "My mom is the same way!"

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