Friday, November 2, 2012

WI volunteering last weekend (2 of 3): Romney voters.

Last weekend I also met a lot of Romney voters, for some reason:

1) When people move but there's still old voter listings, sometimes you get other people at the door...

I got a lot of 30-something white moms in nice houses who obviously had kids, and as soon as I identified myself as a volunteer for the county Democratic Party, they'd be like, "Sorry, I'm voting the other way!", and politely go to close the door and end the conversation. I always wanted to ask why.

2) One (lower class) (white) woman who was apparently in subsidized housing answered the door, said she didn't vote in a "you can't tell me what to do" kind of way, and so I asked her why. She said voting didn't affect her.

"If Romney gets in office, your taxes will go up a lot, because he'll raise them in order to give the mega-rich fat cats a break."

"I don't know about that," she was like. "He also wants to take away Social Security and Medicare, so you won't have anything when you're older." "Well, I'm going to be working when I'm old anyways, so what's different," she was like.

"Your kids' classroom size will increase," I said, because I noticed a couple small kids running around.

"That doesn't affect me, they're not in school yet," she was like. I then checked if she was the woman on the sheet marked as a voter, and it turned out to be a family member of hers who lived next door, so I cut my losses and went to go talk to her, and she was pro-Obama.

My one friend from home who's a social worker said that most of her clients were like that woman, where it's always not them and they don't care about anything unless it directly affects them at that second.

3) One older (white) woman in a sweatshirt and glasses and open, wild eyes who seemed a bit developmentally disabled said she was voting Romney, but she said it in a really disjointed way, where I wasn't sure what she said at 1st...

She then said she didn't trust Obama, and he was going to take away Social Security.

"Are you sure about that?", I was like. "There's a lot of misinformation out there, and Romney is really proposing to do that, though he doesn't say that too much."

At that, she took pause, and then was like, "But I don't trust Obama," and said something about Christian radio.

Really, shame on Romney and shame on Christian radio for spreading so much misinformation and taking advantage of disabled people, and deceiving them into voting against their stated interests.

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