Sunday, September 16, 2012

New Greek student!

I'm excited, I have a new Greek student!

She's a Latin teacher at one of the city's magnet schools, and had studied Greek a long time ago in college, but had mostly worked on Latin and had never felt like she got a handle on it.

So, now she's setting out to re-learn it, and maybe down the road she'd start up a  Greek program at her school; oddly, she said, there's no obvious certification for that, like there is with Latin, so she's just setting out to re-learn Greek and then she'll figure out things from there.

She's very motivated, and she says she likes how I can make meaningful comparisons between Latin and Greek b/c of my linguistics background.

Hopefully, this will work out...  And it will be a lot of work for me, since I'll have to more carefully re-memorize paradigms as I shepherd her through the textbook!  I don't have to do that with my Latin students I'm taking through textbooks, but with Greek I do, there's so many irregular forms.

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