Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Clever bartender.

The other weekend I went to a (new) bar and presented my (Michigan) driver's license to the bartender, and he was like, "So you're a Yooper, eh?"

I immediately was confused and was like, "No!", since my hometown is from the northern lower peninsula.

(A "Yooper" is someone from the "Upper Peninsula" a.k.a. "The U.P."...  Though I vote in the city, I've never converted my driver's license to this state's, since I don't have a car and it's not worth the money, since the date on my other license is good.)

"Ok, you're good," he was like.

That made me pause, and when he came back, I asked him if he did that every time he saw a Michigan license, and he admitted that that was his test, since people who are really from Michigan have an instant "Yes!" or "No!" response, whereas if people pause, he knows it's likely fake, and if they're like, "A what?", he just takes that license right away.

He then said that the biggest amount of fake licenses he saw were fake Michigan licenses, and he pulled out a couple ones from over by the register to show me, and we compared them with mine to see how chintzy they were.

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