Saturday, September 1, 2012

GOP convention reactions (2 of 2): My mom's coworker.

When I came into the library where my mom works the day after the GOP convention, my mom's one supervisor asked me how I was doing, after warning me that she was feeling sick and not to get too close.

First, I told her about how I might be teaching a class at an art school, since for a fellowship I have to teach a class somewhere.

"That sounds like fun," she was like.  "But I hope the kids shower."

Then, I asked her if she had watched the GOP convention last night and seen Clint Eastwood.

"No," she was like, "I'm already sick, and I didn't want to [and she made a vomiting gesture, by raising her fist up along her throat and opening up her fingers as it got to her mouth]."

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