Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Drank at a steelworkers bar.

The other Sunday me and a friend drank at a (white) steelworkers bar on the far southeast edge of the city, in a neighborhood that people who've lived in the city a long time don't even know the name of.

When we came in at like 11pm, this woman Tammy who had just come from a wake with a (female) friend and some guy who kept grabbing huge handfuls of her friend's ass, began talking our ear off, and at some point she told us not to go sit down by this majorly drunk guy towards the end of the bar, so of course we did, while she and her friend began dancing with each other in the aisle by the doorway, and her friend even kicked her leg way up above her head and kept it again the wall while she leaned back

The guy who was drinking a lot turned out to be this mid-40s Polish-American guy with a little black poodle named "Trouble", or, as he called him sometimes, "Troubski". 

The dog was on the seat next to him, and he kept scratching his ears and telling us how his last girlfriend had him up in her fancy apartment downtown but wasn't taking care of him, and he repossessed him the last time he saw her, when he saw how all the hair in the dog's ears was untrimmed.

He also said his girlfriend had had 3 abortions, and the last one really hurt him.

Then he told us about a girlfriend before that, who was Mexican and petite, "built like a fairy", and how one time they were downtown in a really nice part of town and she needed to go to the bathroom really really bad, so they popped off into this apartment building where they had a friend who turned out not to be home, but the doorman let her go up to this public bathroom way up on a high floor, so she went up there holding it really bad, and sprinting down the hall holding her buttcheeks together, and when she got to the door, the door was locked, and the next thing you know she has to go and there's no one around, so she pulls down her pants and just leans up against a planter and sprays out shit against the wall and carpet and side of the planter, then pulls her panties up, looks around to make sure no-one's there - there wasn't! - and just goes back into the elevator and leaves.

He said the panties were def. stained that night.

He then pointed to a guy across the bar, this older guy next to what looked like a (fat) Mexican-American lesbian, and told us how he owned strip clubs and the guy let him in there since he was 16, and got him all fucked up, and this was back in the 80s when you wore thong underwear, and one night he woke up back in his bed with his thong all full and wet and crunchy like drying cement, and it was full of shit, he had shit himself, they had gotten so fucked up.

He also told his his Mexican girlfriend who was "built like a fairy" had a (male) roommate who loved her story about shitting on the wall in the highrise, and always wanted to hear it, and she'd tell it to him, and he'd laugh and get a weird look in his eye.  Anyhow, one day she goes home, and there's a small, solid, perfect little turd, just sitting on the closed lid of the toilet, and she knew he put it there, so right away she called a friend and she came and helped her get all her stuff, and she moved out of that apartment and never saw the guy again.

He then was telling us more about growing up in the neighborhood, and how he grew up in the projects, partly, and had a really good black friend, and in high school it suddenly dawned on him that the reason he didn't have many other friends wasn't him, it was because he was friends with a black guy.

"I've been in this neighborhood forever," he was like, and then said his house was a few blocks south, by a railroad bridge where when his mom was a freshman in high school, the police caught her getting fucked under there by a senior, and that was the night his brother was conceived, and his mom got a severe beating by her Polish father, because the police brought her home and said they caught her fucking under the railroad bridge.

When I was in the restroom, the guy told my friend that "your boyfriend's pretty", but my friend didn't think he was trying to hit on me. Later, he was telling us about being a Marine, and how he drove to the brig a van of Marines who had gotten caught up in a making-porn-on-base meth-fucking scandal. "I don't care what you do in your free time," he was like, "But don't disrespect the uniform."

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