Friday, April 13, 2012

Trip Home for Easter (3 of 4): Library Cart.

Months ago I passed by a communist demonstration downtown during the whole Rush Limbaugh birth control comment outcry, and this (older) (white) woman asked me if I wanted to volunteer to help protect the rights of women.

I told her I was too busy with other causes, but I had gotten together a list of Limbaugh sponsors to send to my mother, who was going to call them up and complain.

"That's great!", she was like, and then asked if my mother would be interested.

I said she lived in Michigan, and so she started showing me her newspaper she was selling, and she suggested I buy it, either for me or for my mother.

"No thanks," I was like.

She gave me the newspaper anyway, and a sticker saying something like "EMANCIPATE ALL WOMEN NOW", and said to send it to my mother.

She then told me that she grew up near Detroit, and when she became a hippie, she moved to some family property near St. Ignace in the U.P. with her mother, though their cousin who lived nearby wasn't happy and even killed their dog.

"And you should see him now!", she was like. "Long hair and everything. He would have never predicted that, years ago."

She also said that her mother got into free love through her.

Anyhow, when I went home, I did take that newspaper and give it to my mom, since I had told her about it over the phone, and I apologized for misplacing the sticker, which I had been using as a bookmark.

"Darn!", she was like. "I would put that on my library cart at work!"

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