Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Bar #s.

I'm not very good at math, and I don't have a calculator at home.

Sometimes, I total up the bars I've been to (luckily my notebook fits 25 on a page, so it's easy to count), and then think about how many days I have left till it's a whole year, and if I can hit 500 bars by then.

If I do the long-division on days left and then figure out bars per day and times it by 7, I have to go to like 12 a week, which is impossible.

If I think ahead to the end of February, though, and think about "10 bars per 7 day period", it seems like I'll make it and then some.

Somehow I'm doing the math wrong, I think with the 1st figures, but I don't quite know how.


Anonymous said...

cell phones have calculators

Anonymous said...

You can't be that bad at math or you wouldn't have gotten into college.

el blogador said...

I've forgotten all of it, from disuse.

Anonymous said...

We all have, even those of us who studied something math-ey.