Saturday, December 10, 2011

3 (black) people (2 of 3): Losing Weight.

The other morning I was going in on the subway and there was this *huge* (young 20s) (light-skinned black) guy in a security outfit going in to work at 7:30am...

He was with someone (black) he knew, and was talking about how he had signed up for a personal trainer and was going to buy a swimsuit, because he was working up to losing weight and once he stopped being out of breath he would start swimming.

Later, he picked up his lunch to get off the train, and there was a 2-liter bottle of grape soda in it.

His bag brushed against something and grains like sugar started pouring out, and someone pointed that out to him, and he said it was salt.


Anonymous said...

That's depressing. But what exactly do you mean by huge?

el blogador said...

Pretty obese. Probably somewhere around 260lbs, for someone who's 5'10".