Friday, November 18, 2011

Sex work and male modelling.

So, the other week I got to hear a male model speak.

During the Q&A, I asked about what type of sex work that models engage in, and how it breaks down male/female gay/straight.

First, a lot of people have sidelines, and are students, bartenders, etc.

Second, women tend not to do it, since they get paid so much more then men.

Third, a lot's informal, where people are hired by socialites as personal assistants, instructors for sports, etc., and then propositioned into it; the guy I talked to had been a swimmer for years, and gave swim lessons for example, and was propositioned for more and had to lay down the law that he was only hired to give swim lessons.

Fourth, the higher-ups tend to be (gay) men and (straight) women, so especially for men there's a casting room couch, and no matter how they identify they'll sleep with the sex they're not attracted to if getting a campaign is at stake.

Overall, he said that esp. in New York, there's these old socialites with money who are known to hover around "the industry".

I asked him if there was a slang name for them, and he said no, that the whole thing was known about by everyone but not ever really discussed.

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