Sunday, November 13, 2011

Catalan narratives.

So my one lawyer friend from Missouri is writing a children's book about how her dog wanders all over the city and solves a mystery; she's been doing photo shoots all summer, and wants to publish it as a book for parents to buy for their kids to get them acquainted with major sites before visiting the city.

So, the other week I was having drinks at the student bar and was talking with the Catalan, and he asked how my one lawyer friend from Missouri was doing, and I told him she was working a lot on her children's book.

"Does it have a sad or ambiguous ending?", he was like. "Does [the dog's name] die at the end?"

"No", I was like, "It's a children's book. The dog solves the mystery."

"That is too bad, man," he was like, "Children remember sad or ambiguous endings. The dog should be raped. Then, he should die. In that way, the children are sad, because the dog was raped. Then, they are unsure how to feel, because perhaps the dog is better to die, to keep from pain and save money on psychological bills."


Anonymous said...

we have a new childrens author in the making.

Anonymous said...

El Blogador, I used to feel sorry for the catalan. Now I'm not so sure.

Anonymous said...

I imagine this explains a great deal about their fake country.