Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Bus stop thoughts.

The bus route to the subway goes through some poorer (black) neighborhoods, and since there's bus-stops pretty much every half block, the bus can stop a *lot*, and get caught at lights a *lot*.

Some of these women who get on are pretty big, too, and I always think of what my mom says, "How can people let themselves get that big?" They take up 2 seats, whether on the bus or on the subway, and no one can sit next to them!!!

Anyhow, I just think the city transportation authority should take out every other bus stop. The bus would be faster, and these (fat) women would get more exercise, and everyone would win.

I told that thought to my one lawyer friend from Missouri, and she said that she's always thought they should charge (fat) people more for health insurance plans.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, and people with other genetic predispositions as well, no doubt.