Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Sunday Trip (3 of 3): Serbfest.

After the bar, I went to Serbfest for dinner.

I had biked through a few blocks east of the church a couple years ago on a county bike trail, but somehow I had never seen the dome of the orthodox church there...

The church was tiny tiny, and near it was this big brick building with hallspace and a kitchen and concession windows and a huge patio off the side that they had turned into a beer garden with a stand at one end and a stage at the other.

There were t-shirt and CD stands as well, and some inflatable jumper things for the kids, and then some booths where they were selling roast pig, roast lamb, and roast bull, as well as cheese pies donuts cabbage etc. (the cabbage and the roast bull were sold out).

Behind the stands were grills but no spits, and there were firepits with big earthenware pots for bean soup... In the hallspace, you could see they had tablesaws in the kitchen area behind the concession window, and they had carcasses of roast lamb and pigs all sawed up, with just the bottom half of each there, the hooves and all sticking out.

You had to get tickets, though, so I went up to the table, where this (Serbian) girl with bleached blonde hair and tight t-shirt and big black sunglasses was vending them, so I asked her which was better, the pig or the lamb (there was a one-ticket difference in meal price), and she was like, in accented English, "I don't know, I am vegetarian!!!"

I ended up getting the pig, and sitting down at a table to hear a Balkan oompah band of like 8 trumpets tubas etc. and some Serbian-American people and their spouses ending up sitting down near me. The wife of the one couple gave me the lowdown on all the Serbfests within 3 hours drive of there, and the other one said she just comes because her husband is orthodox, and it's nice to be around her own kind.

"It like, 'I see white people,'", she was like, and then started telling me how her community was becoming all Mexican, and how she doesn't have a problem with that, but a bungalow meant for at most 3 people now has a lot more and there's 5 cars associated with the house, and the whole place is just too congested.

She also said that a lot of the Serbian men at the festival were hot, and she should find one for her daughter.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thought girls' moms were supposed to find a *sensible* guy for their daughter, while girls' *friends* were supposed to find the hot ones.