Thursday, September 15, 2011

Soul Train events (2 of 2): Concert.

The free anniversary concert the next day downtown was a mixed bag.

I ran into some (white) people I knew (my friend I had originally planned to go with cancelled because her dog was sick), and then ran to a nearby 7-11 to get some wine to share with everyone, and then made some friends asking everyone around for a cork screw.

"Nope," the (middle-aged) (black) woman sitting in a chair behind us was like, "No corkscrew, I got my chardonnay right here!", and she held up and tapped an empty pop bottle full of yellowish clear liquid.

So, I went looking among picnic groups, and some (older) (black) women who didn't have a corkscrew but wished me luck laughed when I was like, "Doesn't it just tick you off, all that happiness closed up in this bottle and it can't get out?!?!"

A few acts in, they announced that it was one of the biggest turnouts in the spaces (almost 20,000 people), and it was like a fun packed dancer party at 1st...

"Why did you bring a chair when you're not sitting in it?", I said to the (black) woman behind me and her friends.

Like 2/3 of the way through the concert, they had to kill time between act set-up and the talking went on forever (at least 15min.), and the crowd started dispersing.

The best acts were early on, too! What a weird shape to the night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...