Monday, September 12, 2011

Addendum addendum.

Also also, after knowing my one friend who "hooks" for like over half a year under a kind of bad-ass hispanic name (“Andreas”), but before I knew about his “hooking”, he told me, “You know that’s not really my name, don’t you?”

I was surprised, and then he told me that he had told me that several times before, but always when I was pretty drunk, which is why I probably didn’t remember it.

(I didn’t.)

He then told me his name (a very ultra-nerdy, unattractive hispanic name that does not translate well in terms of coolness, and perhaps is not even that cool in the Central American country from which his parents come; his dad was a very low-level govt. official, and fled corruption but now is a manager of a gas station in a decrepit suburb, and has been for decades, and will likely be in that job till death), and when pressed joked that “Andreas” was his “stage name”.

I didn’t quite get that, except that maybe he used that out at clubs since his other name would be a turn-off to people? I also realized that he had gone out with friends to movies, and he had introduced himself to them under his real name, which must have confused them when I kept calling him “Andreas”.

And why did he originally introduce himself to me that way? I knew him vaguely from around school, but I can’t remember when and how he introduced himself to me.


Anonymous said...

Maybe you liked like a possible client.

Anonymous said...

just what I was going to say.