Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Lesbian Nuns (3 of ???): Eva, and more.

From “Revolving Doors”, by Coriander (1962-1968; 187-188, 191):

I taught sixth grade that year; Eva taught first. She had a wonderful rapport with her students. I was lucky if there weren’t dogfights in the aisles. Life was tough, but not at all like it used to be. I was loved, and I knew it. Each evening I crossed through the bathroom into Eva’s room, and she read to me. We sat very close on the bed, her arm around me, while I listened to stories like The Little Prince or The Wind in the Willows. Sometimes we lay down for awhile before I went to my bed. Before long my initial feelings of affection became desire. The night Eva asked if she could put her hand on my breat, I was only too ready to comply. From there we went in the direction of least resistance, and finally I had to admit that what we were doing was sexual...

I left the convent in 1968 because its walls had become a prison... It’s painful to remember my blunders as I tumbled back into the world. I had no idea how to dress. My attempts at dating led me into bizarre situations. More than once it was a priest who offered to purge me of my virginity...

It took me over a month to find the Lesbian community in Boulder... The little bit of doubt I kept to myself was dispelled when I feel in love with a woman from Oregon who called herself Gnome. The night we first kissed was a full moon in September. There was no holding back the night we made love. My body responded with natural ease, and in my heart I knew I had finally come home to myself. Women’s music was never the same after that. All of a sudden the words were really about me. I had joined the club, declared myself a dyke. Gnome had to restrain me in public. I was sixteen again and in love.

. . .

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