Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Wisconsin volunteering!!! (2 of 2): The lowpoints.

The lowpoints -

1) Why are (Indian) Indians so rude? On the ride up at 7am, it was a perfectly quiet car, and this young 20-something (Indian) couple who sounded like 7-11 owners were talking at the top of their voices, though everyone else was totally quiet and still groggy and many people were trying to sleep (I couldn’t change cars because the conductor had told me to keep my bike in that car). The girl especially kept talking and talking, so I finally had some coffee after like 45minutes – and then she quiets down for the last 30minutes of the train ride, just when I had finally woken up and couldn’t use that time to sleep anymore.

2) I had just fallen asleep on the train ride home, when I wake up to some woman talking *incredibly* loudly, and I pull up my sleep mask, and there’s three (rich) (white) couples with a cooler, on their way to an evening concert at a popular high-class park off the commuter rail. The one woman had the most plastic surgery I’ve ever seen, and was standing in the aisle with a plastic flute of Persecco, and was handing her husband a bottle of beer. They drank openly and talked loudly and the conductor didn’t bust them, though you know if they were young (black) kids doing the exact same things, the conductor totally would have.

One of the women, too, had grown up in the same house her parents had bought in the rich suburb, and was talking about how she had framed the old deed from the attic, because “Wouldn’t you know it, you could get a house for thirty thousand back then!”. She also talked about the differences in landscape prices.

They got off the station before this (older) (black) woman got on with a ton of bags, and we started talking about train passengers and I told her about the drunk (rich) (white) passengers and she just shook her head and laughed.

“It’s like my dad says,” I was like, “’People sure are different.’”

“That’s right!”, she said, laughing, “That’s right! People sure are different!”

3) The 2 (older) (black) women whose houses I went to were very negative on the recall, and saying they weren’t voting. I bet it’s all the Wisconsin racism, where people just aren’t keyed into African-American issues as much, but the Dems always want their votes. I don’t have anything to back that up, but that’s just the feeling I get.

. . .

The 2nd lowpoint maybe isn't a lowpoint, though, because ultimately it was fun...?

1 comment:

JUSIPER said...

If that's true, it's a very profound revelation about WI politics.